


标签: 生态系统呼吸 潜热 气温

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ChinaFlux. 2003-2010年千烟洲站通量数据[DB/OL]. 国家生态科学数据中心, 2021. doi:10.12199/nesdc.ecodb.chinaflux2003-2010.2021.qyf.
Yu Guirui, Chen Zhi, Piao Shilong, Peng Changhui, Ciais Philippe, Wang Qiufeng, Li Xuanran, Zhu Xianjin. High carbon dioxide uptake by subtropical forest ecosystems in the East Asian monsoon region. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 111(13)(2014), 4910-4915.##Yu Guirui, Wen Xuefa, Sun Xiaomin, Tanner Bertrand D, Lee Xuhui, Chen Jiayi. Overview of ChinaFLUX and evaluation of its eddy covariance measurement. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 137(3-4) (2006), 125-137.##Yu Guirui, Zhang Leiming, Sun Xiaomin, Fu Yuling, Wen Xuefa, Wang Qiufeng, Li Shenggong, Ren Chuanyou, Song Xia, Liu Yufen, Han Shijie, Yan Junhua. Environmental controls over carbon exchange of three forest ecosystems in eastern China. Global Change Biology, 14(11) (2008), 2555-2571.